I am available for private sessions in your home, in the Christchurch area.
(Small private circles are occasionally run from time to time, please get in touch or Like the Facebook page to stay in the loop)
Prices per person are $160 for most sessions, however lower rates are available for intensive sessions, ongoing sessions, group sessions and repeat kambo warriors. Private sessions may require travel costs depending on location - unlikely, but please get in touch to confirm.
Repeat visits, private group sessions and similar also get a discount 🐸
For general use, roughly once per month or so is common for immunity maintenance, holistic health support, and keeping Kambo Strong 🐸💪 Intensives such as 3 times in one month are also available (this could be offered for those with chronic fatigue, thyroid issues, persistent viral or fungal conditions, and similar - but not indicative of any kind of outcome or guarantee).
I speak English and Japanese 日本語でも大丈夫です